Navigating Divorce Is Never An Easy Transition.

We Will Be Your Financial Partner.

Divorce Financial Advisor - Professional going through divorce

Most couples going through a divorce never anticipate the need for divorce financial advisors. However, when the situation arises, often one party is ill-prepared to tackle the financial challenges that come with it. During such a highly emotional time, making rational decisions on your own can be extremely difficult. Additionally, few individuals have previously considered their marriage as a financial partnership.


Yet, here you are, realizing that the division of assets is going to occur during the divorce process. How can you be sure you’re working with someone who understands all the financial implications of that process? Or where to place your money? Or what account to withdraw funds from if said funds need to be provided to your ex-spouse?

You can breathe easier knowing you have a true financial planner on your side in an LRVS Financial Advisor looking to help you plan for the next chapter of your life with a new perspective reaching new financial goals. One that provides you the confidence to know that such crucial events as your retirement are preserved and on track to meet the timeline you want to achieve.

Financial Planning Advisor - A Financial Strategy

A Financial Strategy From Our Financial Advisors to Help You Move On

At this moment, your mindset can be so much about merely emerging on the other side of a divorce settlement with your sense of identity intact. That’s understandable, of course, but each Advisor from LRVS is also motivated to help you achieve a higher and better outcome from a financial perspective. We’re looking after your present and your future to ensure the next steps of divorce is working in your favor, financially speaking.

How do we go above and beyond to reach that goal? We ask the questions that you may or may not have thought of, such as:

  • Who else needs to be on our team to provide you with the most well-rounded view?

    An attorney, accountant, banker and insurance broker are some of these options.

  • Have we gathered all of the essential financial records out there? 

    You may very well have some records that even you aren’t aware of.

  • Are there long-term protections in place for your children?

  • How will joint debt be addressed?

  • What legal paperwork should be considered for immediate alteration?

  • What is the full, accurate picture of your assets and expenses?

Working closely together to find answers to these types of questions now will position you that much better during negotiations to decide what is and is not a fair settlement.

Divorce Financial Planning for a New Life with Momentum and Clarity.

As you begin the process of dividing assets, you may be exclusively focused on what you should receive in a financial sense. And that’s understandable.

At LRVS, our Financial Advisors are also thinking of a common blind spot that clients aren’t considering such tax implications of divorce or what guidance you need in rebuilding your nest egg after a divorce.

Financial Planning Advisor For New Life After Divorce

Namely, we strive to understand the full value of assets after taxes and how taxes can be minimized while dividing those assets. We also use disciplined  investment portfolio management system to help you grow and protect your wealth.

That may seem it’s purely about the protection of where you are today but it’s even more about protecting the life you want to live to the fullest in a post-divorce chapter.

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The more we can maximize funds to give you the best first step in your fresh start, the better. There’s even more at stake here to us than numbers. It’s what separates LRVS from so many other Divorce Financial Advisors in our space. Discover more about our difference by arranging a no-obligatory confidential consultation with one of our financial professionals from LRVS today.

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Let’s Help You Plan and Move Forward With Momentum and Clarity