How to Spring Clean Your Financial House

Apr 5, 2023

When was the last time you spring cleaned your house?

Many of us do some form of spring cleaning in our homes regularly.1

But what about our financial “homes”?

It can be easy to forget about the clutter and red tape that builds up in our finances.

When we do, we can end up with some serious clutter.

And that can have very real consequences.

In fact, it won’t just take up space. Clutter can also waste our energy, time, and even money.2

So, how can we deal with the financial clutter so it doesn’t get in our way?

Let’s find out by checking out some simple and painless financial spring cleaning tips.

6 Spring cleaning tips to organize your financial house

Spring clean your financial house- #1 Purge the paper - lrvs advisory group

#1 Purge The Paper

Go paperless for recurring bills and monthly financial statements. Also, go through the financial documents you have on hand and shred the old paperwork you don’t need any more. If there are papers you need to keep, make digital versions by scanning them. Not sure what you need to keep? Consult your financial professional to make the decision.

Pro Tip: Got a lot of paper? Let technology help you out! Apps can help you digitize and organize your paper records. Also, visit to stop getting irritating mail solicitations, like credit card applications and loan pre-approvals.

Spring clean your financial house - audit your subscriptions - lrvs advisory group

#2 Audit Your Subscriptions

Review ALL of your subscriptions and cancel any you no longer use or need. That includes subscriptions for streaming services, software, magazines and newspapers, gaming and even product deliveries.

Pro Tip: Use your credit card and bank statements to figure out all your subscriptions, so you don’t overlook any. Also consider signing up for subscriptions using the same card, so its easier to audit them in the future.

Spring clean your financial house - lrvs advisory group

#3 Consolidate Accounts

How many bank accounts, retirement accounts, and brokerage accounts do you have? Are they at different financial institutions? The type of account sprawl can get complicated fast. It can also mean paying lots of maintenance fees. Take a careful look at your accounts and try to consolidate them. Look at both reducing the number of accounts you have and consolidating you accounts at fewer institutions.

Pro Tip: Check out account fees and requirements as you decide which ones to keep versus shut down. And don’t forget to look at transfer fees too, especially if you’re moving money around to streamline your accounts. Consider asking a financial professional for advice to avoid unnecessary fees or inconvenient restrictions.

Spring clean your financial house- automate savings - lrvs advisory group

#4 Automate Savings

Setup regular transfers to a designated savings account. Choose a comfortable amount you can stick with. If you don’t know how much to set aside, start with a number you know you can commit to. And if you’re already doing this, check you automatic transfers and consider whether now’s a good time to adjust or increase them.

Pro Tip: If your savings account is already pretty healthy, reroute your automatic deposits into a retirement account, college fund, or investment account. Also, consider earmarking chunks of cash you get, like annual tax refunds, for savings too.

#5 Back It Up

Create backups of all your important financial documents and account information. That means backing up digital files on another hard drive and back up your backups by storing them in a the cloud.

Pro Tip: Create a “master” file as a “key” to explain how your backups are organized and where to find what information. You can also organize financial access passwords with a secure password manager. This reorganization can help you out with your next financial spring cleaning. This can also give you a head start on estate planning, allowing an estate executor to access all of your digital assets and information.

Spring clean your financial house - check in with your bigger financial goals - lrvs advisory group

#6 Check in with your bigger financial goals

How are you doing on your financial goals, big and small? What progress have you made and where are you falling short? Reviewing where you’re at, how far you’ve come, and where you want to be can help you figure out when and how to adjust course, so you stay on track.

Pro Tip: Turn this step into a conversation so you can get feedback and a fresh perspective. Talking about your bigger financial goals can motivate you to stick with them.


How a Little Financial Spring Cleaning Can Bring Major Rewards

Have you already done some financial spring cleaning this year?

What’s first on your list (or next)?

The truth is, no matter how old you are or how much money you have, financial clutter can pile up pretty fast for any of us.

Bills, account statements, tax records, policy documents, business agreements, and more — our financial lives come with quite a paper trail.

That can overwhelm any of us.

In fact, it can stress us out and frustrate us almost constantly, especially if we’re wasting time trying to sort out the basics.

And if we ignore all that financial clutter, instead of managing it, we can easily slide into procrastination mode.

When we do, impulsive decisions are more likely to follow.2

All of that can make it harder to look past the clutter and focus on what’s really important.

So, how can you keep it all in check?

Start with some simple spring cleaning in your financial house. Making that scheduled “spring cleaning” a habit can be even better.

It also helps to keep yourself accountable by checking in with someone you trust.


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About Author

Jeffrey Van Siclen
Certified Financial Planner

Jeff guides clients through complex financial challenges with a personalized approach.  He offers a wide range of services, including financial planning, tax optimization, portfolio management, and insurance. Jeff also specializes in areas like company benefit planning and 10b5-1 plans, ensuring his clients have a comprehensive financial strategy.

Jeff Van Siclen, CFP®

Risk Disclosure: Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

This material is for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information; no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any information. Consult your financial professional before making any investment decision. For illustrative use only.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax professional.